PRE-THINKING TASK for studying short story

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe us most famous an American writer. He was writer as well as critic . Most of he famous for his poetry and short story. He used mysterism in his story. He was one of writer whose income depend on his writing even he managed everything. His story create different kind of interest on reading so I am curiously waiting for this unit.

1. Read the first Gujarati story and listen to the audio recitation of the second story. Observe how the two wordsmiths work wonders through words! (Absolute obsession of alliteration
Mansangh short story by Jayant Khatri and Pankor Doshi by Zaverchand Meghani both story are really interested. And use of language pure native Gujarati, it called valgar or Varnacular language. I observe Mansangh story two wordsmith work wonders through words like

 એક તો એ અંધારી રાત હતી'.
 નીરસનીજૅન વાતાવરણ
Here story started at dark night we can say that author create fearful soundings for reader. Second story Pankor Doshi also start with night. Words used like “બિહામણી રાત”, “કાળના તમાચા”. Through that word author create visual image in reader mind this effect on reader heart.

2. List out various adjectives that contribute the most in creating the "pre-established design" or effect that the author intended to create.

Author well use adjective in first story use of adjective-  નીરસનીજૅન વાતાવરણ
ખોખરો અવાજ, અંધારી રાત etc. And in the second story author use adjective like- સાકડ શેરી, ઘોઘરો અવાજ, ધુમાડીયુ કાળુ ફાનસ etc.
Through the adjective author creating the pre established design created for readers.

3. Which are the phrases you find frightening? How are they placed in the text?

I feel just frightening to reading this phrase –

હૈયા સૂના કરયા, અંતરમાં લાઈ બળવી, નિગૂઢ રૂદન કરવુ and other story phrase – ઢગલો થઈ પડવુ, મરણોત્તરના મુખે, ચરિત્રતાની દાડીએ, બોકાસા પાડવા when I was listening Pankor Doshi story at 12:05 I really felt that kind of feeling.

4. Can you find out any other lexical varieties such as figures of speech like simile, metaphor, personification etc? Briefly explain their significance in the story.

Yes, I find figure of speech like mephor, personification, exaggeration –
Metaphor – મે જોયુ તો માનસંઘની દષ્ટિ શૂન્ય બની ગ્ઈ,
Simile - આભય ફાટી જાય એવુ હસી
Personify - પૃથ્વી અને આકાશ બંને રડી રહ્યા છે
Alliteretion- આસુના દરિયા ની કંઈક ભરતી હતી જાણે!
In the second story –
ચાલતુ ગાડુ ઘોડીયા જેવુ બની ગયુ
કોઈ ચિતારાએ છાયા ચિત્ર આલયુ હોય તેવુ સ્તબ્ધ ઊભુ હતુ
Assonance -ધન્ય મોલા ધન્ય અલ્લા ધન્ય તારી સાહેબી

Both story related to terrible society condition, sometimes people don’t know anything but they talked about something which thing is not real even they don’t think about how danger effect on someone life. And in the second story Pankor Doshi also heartouchble character she suffered lot but even she hasn’t courage to face any situation. And here again satire on society mindset how one woman lost her husband and lost her identity and her son death for responcible ruthless society.At last she fight against society and reached her pathway.

5. What is the impact of listening  to the stories on your mind? Which Rasas/emotions erupt in you during and after the reading/listening sessions?

When reading and listening story at that time I thought such cruel society who destroy someone life. Because both story situation it like same in the first story Mondhi suffering after her husband death and the second story Pankor Doshi condition after her husband death. But here Pankor Doshi for appropriate quote - 'Man can defeated but cannot be destroy'.
When I read first story I felt Karun Rasa to reading Mondhi's life unfortunate.

While I read Pankor Doshi story at that time I felt Vir rasa and Karun Rasa.


  1. Good one!✔
    Hopefully, such linguistic study would help you decode the connotations in Poe's stories.
    Need to work on grammatical correctness.
    Some detailed study of the Rasa Theory is also advised.
    Keep reading...


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