Expert Lectures on ELT by Professor Atanu Bhattacharya

Hello Readers, Here I share my review about expert lectures. On 25, 26 and 27 January we had expert lectures by Professor Atanu Bhattacharya in the Department of English Maharaja Krishnakumarsinghji Bhavnagar University. Professor Atanu Bhattacharya came from Central University of Gandhinagar. And he delivered lectures on ETL paper- First of all sir explained development of ELT. And said language can not be learning to join any spoken classes because it is practical process of learning and learning is not set dialogue because conversation always change it depends on dialogue. There are various difficulty for learning language for example diamatic gender- Bagla hasn't diamatic gender that's why it is difficult to identify He or She. And also phonetic is also important for language teaching for example- how to pronounce ship and sheep in different ways. Sir give us glimpsing of teaching methods like Direct method, Natural method, Communicative method ,Audio lingual ...