Poem for Junior's Welcome

          Welcome Junior

Gladfully welcome by your new friend
                             Department of English,
And softly welcome your literary friend
                                       English literature

Shakespeare welcome you from the
                         Renaissance literature,
When Doctor Faustus welcome you through
                       Arising greed of knowledge,
Then Paradise Lost welcome you on the
                               Way to become rational,
And new form of methaphical poem welcome
                    To you on new world of imagination

Delightfully welcome you by Neo- classical
Here you see marvelous traveling journey of
                              Gulliver's and Robinson's,
And meet your noughty friend Tom Jones

Willingly welcome you by Criticism,
There Plato, Aristotle, Dryden, Coleridge
Even Wordsworth accurately waiting for you

Gleefully welcome you by IWE literature,
Inhere you hear stories of Kanthapurian ,
And also aware about history of india society,

Again Gladfully welcome by your new friend
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