Charlie Chaplin's Modern time Movie review
Charlie Chaplin's Modern time Movie review
Modern Time is an American comedy movie, it is directed and written by Charlie Chaplin. The tone of the movie is comic. But through this Chaplin has tried to show the tragic situation of unemployment among people. This is a story of industrialization, of individual enterprise, and humanity crusading in the pursuit of happiness. Through this movie Chaplin has tried to satirize the political and human life style, its movie through we can see that how people felt bondage of time and respect of time. And also through movie we can see that joblessness is main problem of ordinary people. And present twentieth century American society.
Here chaplin show both gender problem of at that time society. And also we show that how machines control man and ultimately machines purpose it became changed so machines control people.
In this movie I tried to find -
Where is peace for ordinary people ?
As movie I think joblessness is like curse for at that time people. Even working employee condition is not like peaceful because their work is like bradan. So here Chaplin character want to go in jail , it mean in the jail they feel peace than society. So this movie like mirror to society.
Through the movie Charlie show without job male and female both gender problem and difficultly in their life.
Basic needs is most important our life, like food, clothes, home. According to movie at that time people lot of suffer for required food, it like basic need of every living person or animal. In the movie we can see people dream about they will have good food,cow, home. But food is most of need of people. This type of problem not only at that time happened but in the present time also happens same thing we are looking how Bihar state children died to fever, it behind one of reason at night child can't because they haven't nothing for eating and next day children eat litchies fruit then they died. So it like same situation in present time.
Other things Chaplin show at that time woman image like house wife so it's through he showed 20th century woman image.
The film's ending sequence taken beautifully evening and long road so I think it is symbol of hope and desire for changing their life.
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