Assignment paper- 6. Victorian literature

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Assignment paper-6
Name- Dipti A. Gohil 6
Year – 2018-2020
Paper- 6. Victorian Literature
Enrollment no.- 2069108420190018
Summitted to – Department of English, Maharaja KrishnaKumarSingh Bhavnagar University
Word - 1795
Characteristics of Victorian literature  And reflections of society at that time writer work and Two major poet Tennyson and Browning
Introduction –
            In the nineteenth century or Modern period of progress and unrest is called Victorian age. In 1837 Victoria became queen in England at that time war after peace situation in the society. It is the era of peace. Freach revolution, Peninsular War, Second war with United States after this war whole age may be not unfairly described as one of peaceful activity. These is age memorable for  material development. It was an age alive with new activities. It is time of machines and market. There was a revolution in commercial enterprise, due to the great increase of market and as a result of this an immense advance in the use of mechanical devices. Lot of machines found by smart people,it is good for industrial owner but it is not good for middle class people. Henceby social condition as well as not good. These type of social condition also mentioned by Charles Dickens in his novel. Even other writers criticis the  evils of Industrial revolution and they were vividly described social condition. It is an age of education and democracy , it is an age of comparative peace. Moreover these age remarkable for arts and sciences.
               It was the age intellectual development therefore it is to the credit of this age that intellectual activities were so numerous. At that time people thought like intellectual and also authors focus on intellectual society. In addition popular education became a practical thing. This in its turn produced a new hunger for intellectual food and resulted in great increase in the production of the press and of other more durable species of literature.
Literary characteristics of the Victorian age :-
1) Its Morality –  To a later age these  seem ludicrous. If we analysis Victorian poets and novelist work it seems to society set moral and immoral rules. And they were more pagesive to follow morality as like they thought which man to smoke publically therefore he is not good man and if any lady to ride a bicycle, it is not good for ladies as like society people morality. To a great extent the new morality was a natural revolt against the shamefulness of the earlier regency and the influence of the Victorian court was all in its favour. These all thing reflection on poets and novelists works. Both in prose and poetry seems to depart from the purely artistic standard of art for art's sake and to be actuated by a definite moral purpose.
                 Tennyson is the probably clear example in poetry, creating the priggishly complacent sir Galahad and King Arthurs, Dickens, perhaps the most representative of the Victorian novelists. If we observe Dickens novel Oliver Twist in this novel two class of people moral and immoral and how orphan child facing difficult situation although he like moral child. Dickens model the old picaresque novel but it is almost laughable to observe his anxiety to be 'moral'. This type of writing is quite blameless but it produced the kind of public that denounced the innocuous.
2) The Revolt :-
During this age many writers opposed against the deadening effects of the conference. Carlyle and Matthew Arnold in their different accents, they were loud in their criticism. Some of writers never tried of satirizing the snobbishness of the age as like Thackeray. Browning gave differ manner were an indirect challenge to the satin diction and the smooth self-satisfaction of the Tennysonian school strong as type age progressed the reaction strongly.
3) Intellectual Development :-
The literary product was essentially affected by the new ideas in religion, science and politics. For example George Eliot’s Middlemarch novel in this novel Eliot focus on politics and religion also. She tried to show in her novel clergymen,political men, Doctors, Banker , she portrait character as intellectual. At that time Darwin book 'On the Origin of Species'(1859) published and his book shook to its foundation scientific thought. It sparked a lot of debate. Some people had questioned Bible concept exact otherwise Darvin’s new theory of human excitant because both concept completely different one is like story and other is based on science. We can feel the influence of such a work in Tennyson's In Memoriam and other Matthew Arnold's meditative poetry and in the works of Carlyle. Then these religious and ethical movement called 'Oxford Movement'. This movement had its source among the young and eager thinkers of the old University joined the church of Rome. As a religious portent it marked the widespread anxiety with the beliefs of the church of England, as a literary influence it effected many writers of note  as like Froude, Maurice, Kingsley, Gladstone these are including Newman himself.
4) The New Education:-
This age people aware about new education and people thought education compulsory for new learning. Immediately people more interested in reading. Therefore reduce prize of printing and paper increased the demand for books , so that the production was increased. At that time most popular was novel in the literature, generally people read novel and critics also. Few of their work was of high standard so that it has been asserted by competent critics that the middle years of the nineteenth century. At last naturally nineteenth century were the richest in the whole history of the novel.
5) International Influences :-
During these age novelists not only focused on surounding place but they also interact among American and European writers was remarkably fresh and strong.If we look in Britain the influence of the great German writers was continuous and it was the championed by Carlyle and Matthew Arnold, so they were used international interact. The Swinburne, Brownings, Swinburne, Morris and Meredith were deeply interested to show struggle of the followers of Garibaldi and Cavour, and when Italian freedom was gained the rejoicings were genuine.
6) The Achievement of the age :-
During this period immense production but no supreme writer. Any Writers were not as like Shakespeare , Shelley, Scott. If we look their works, it is very high and it was the period like spacious intellectual horizons. It was noble endeavour and bright aspirations.
Major poet details-
1) Alfred Lord Tennyson –
Tennyson was born in 1809 in Somersby, England. His father was clergymen. He had seven brothers and four sisters. Several men in his family had mental and physical problems as like epilepsy, insanity, excessive, drinking. His father was abusive and violence but Tennyson want to learn more and more so he joined Trinity College, Cambridge. After Someone invited to join The Apostle an undergraduate club these group included his lifelong friends. In this group he mat Arthur Hallam then both became good friends. Tennyson knew him each other for only four year but their intense friendship had a major influence on the poet.
            He wrote Timbuctoo poem ,it is not much better than the usual prize poem. His other poem Chiefly Lyrical published at that time he was an undergraduate student. It contains such notable poem as The Place of Art , The Lotos- Eaters,, The Lady of Shalott in this poem he used perfect technique to  express his feeling. His poem Enoch Arden published in 1864 which became more popular of all and found its translation into foreign languages. However he wrote play also Queen Mary, Harold and Becket. Even he wrote story The Falcon based on Boccaccio story and The Cup is based on story of Plutarch.
When death Tennyson completely broken down then to express his feeling to write a poem In Memoriam.
This is the greatest poem of the all poem. This poem published in 1850. In this poem he expressed his feelings when his best friend death, it is like development of astronomy, biology and geology that were diminishing man's stature in the universe. After published this poem he became poet Laureate.
His Choice of Subject –
Most of he chose legendary narrative as his subject. He was more interested in ethical thing so he used ethical thing in his work. He was content to mirror of the feeling and his aspirations of his poem.
He was master for craftsmanship in his poem. His method of producing poetry was slowly to evolve the line in his mind, commit them to paper and revise them till they were as near perfection as he could make  poetry used alliteration and vowel- music.
2) Robert Browning :-
Robert Browning was born in 1812 in Camberwell. His father was connected with the Bank of England and his mother was a devout talented musician. He was educated at the home even his father has library around 6,000 books. He was only twelve age when he wrote poetry but later on this book destroyed so it is not published. When he was fourteen age at that time he became a great admire of romantic poets especially Shelley. He refused a formal career and dedicated himself to poetry.
His first work is Pauline (1833)  an introspective poem, this poem show that he had deeply influenced by Shelley. His work is Paracelsus (1835) the story of the hero’ unquenchable.
He also wrote play Strafford (1837) which achieves real pathos toward the close. And play Sordello an attempt to decide the relationship between art and life. Moreover he published two collection of lyrical and narrative poems this series included six plays, Pippa passes, King Charles and King Victor , The Return of the Druses, Soul's tragedy.
 In1845 he visited Elizabeth Barrett, she was poetess, whose works had strongly attracted him. Then he married with her.
His method is to take a character at a movement of crisis for example Pippa’s passes poem, in this poem he is not reveal present thought and feelings but he presented past history also. Furthermore he wrote Dramatic Lyrics and Dramatic Romances and lyrics so he was master of dramatic monologue. His major work is 'Men and Women' in the 1853 he worked with this two volume poem for he is now well known and made a little impact. Then his work 'The Ring and The Book' published in 1868 this is long blank verse on based convoluted murder case. It is composed of 12 books and lengthy dramatic monologues. An Epic length poem the justify the ways of God humanity.
Summing up-
As above my description of the Victorian age is known for modern period and its characteristics reflection on at that time poets, novelists, prose writer ‘s works then we realise which kind of society at that time .
Reference – Edward Albert – History of English literature


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