Paradise lost book-9 review


   Paradise lost epic written by John Milton. Each book of paradise lost is preceded with an argument. Milton's purpose : to tell about the fall of man and justify God's ways to man.

1) Write a critical note on character of Eve.

 Primary characters :
1) Satan
2) Adam
3) Eve  
 God character is controller in this Epic.

 Eve is the most important character . She is the one who first eats the forbidden fruit and then she convinces Adam to eat it. We can show  Paradise Lost is different to compare with Bible story. Here Milton has own perspective and he creates his imagination through Adam, Satan, Eve, God.
      Eve is also conviced by Satan to eat forbidden fruit. So here Eve is not likeable character and otherside she is totally likeable for her sense of independence and curiosity. After the fall, Adam and Eve engage in petty blame game but Adam also ate the fruit , l think his own reasons also ,I think Adam didn't want Eve to go down alone.
    I think Milton couldn't gave equality of both characters. It is like only bamed on Eve to eat forbidden fruit.

2) Whose argument did you find more convincing ?

   I find Eve argument with Satan is like more convincing. Satan is one of the most complicated character. Satan is flat- out, hands down without a doubt, he is best speaker in this poem. Satan is really evil character in Milton's epic. But he is a very seductive kind evil. Satan tries to convince Eve to eat forbidden fruit and Eve argument with Satan , why she eats forbidden fruit. Both are argument is very interesting. Here l find both character dialogues,

Satan : 
          "Queen of this Universe! do not believe
       Those rigid threats of death. Ye shall not die.
      How should ye? By the Fruit? it gives you life
    To knowledge. By the Threatener? look on me,
   Me who have touched and tasted, yet both live,
    And life more perfect have attained than Fate
    Meant me, by venturing higher than my lot."

Eve :
 herself she mused:—

"Great are thy virtues, doubtless, best of Fruits,
Though kept from Man, and worthy to be admired,
Whose taste, too long forborne, at first assay
Gave elocution to the mute, and taught
The tongue not made for speech to speak thy praise.
Thy praise he also who forbids thy use
Conceals not from us, naming thee the Tree
Of Knowledge, knowledge both of Good and Evil;

Forbids us then to taste. But his forbidding"

3) How do you look at divine perspective in genesis of the Bible and human perspective in John Milton Paradise lost book -9.

   I look John Milton's Paradise lost book-9 it is full of different to compare Bible book. Milton only focus three character Adam ,Eve, Satan and manor reflection character is God. I find in paradise lost it is change of human perspective of genesis. In the Bible God is the centre but here l think Eve is central character then otherthing is Adam and Eve only puppet of Satan and God. Eve and Adam fall down of error of judgement but they convinced by Satan. So God punished also Satan and Adam but why God punished Eve more than others.




  1. Really useful one, compact yet packed with important points.Thank You very much for the effort to make the hard one looks so simple. Further, you can access this site to read "Milton Presents Hell in Paradise Lost


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