Wordsworth's criticism

1) what is the basic difference between the poetic creed of classicism and romanticism ?

    I think we find vital difference between the classicism and Romanticism. Generally they are two ideologies classicism and Romanticism. But it is different.
  Classicism- intellect is the guiding force while romanticism - imagination is the guiding.
We find romantic poets they did not believe in any kind of restrained ruling. They believe in  liberty and freedom. Here l write both different description ,
  Classicism :- The imitation primary of the style and aesthetic principles of ancient Greek and Roman classical art and literature. The term neoclassical is often used in referring to revivals of classicism.

Romanticism :- It is moment in the literature that lasted from about 1750 to about 1870 ,characterised by reliance on the imagination and subjectivity of approach , freedom of thought and expression and an idealization of nature.
       So  we understand this description though what is difference between classicism and Romanticism.

2) Why does Wordsworth say 'what' is poet ?Rather than who is poet ?

 Wordsworth say that
   A poet is a man speaking men, endowed with more lively sencibility. Poet although the romantic place a lot of important on the inherent talent within a person to come up with poetry that kind of talent is missing in general poem but person who certainly does not come from any other planet he is men.

3) What is poetic diction ? Which sort of poetic diction is suggested by Wordsworth in his preface ?

   Diction mean choose word. Poetic diction mean unique style of each individual poet.

      Poetic diction mean language which really used by men, to be with imotions which are genuine and much use humble and rustic life.

     Poetic diction is suggested by Wordsworth in his preface he says that the rustic life to be with emotions which are more genuine and therefore he is trying to capture in the words really used by men in the country side rustic men in their diction emotions which he finds to be closer to reality.

4) what is poetry ?
     Generally we say that poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling.
According to Wordsworth - 'poetry is breath and finer spirit of all knowledge, the impassioned expression that is in the countenance of all science'. Poetry is the instrument for the propagation of moral thought.

5) Discuss 'Daffodils - I wandered lonely as a cloud with reference to Wordsworth's poetic creed.

  Daffodils poem divine in four stanzas. This poem start  this line

        I wandered lonely as a cloud ...
        Ten thousand saw I at a glane
  This poem three stanza is written in past tense and last stanza written in present. I feel this poem is such beautiful imagenary of wordsWords. First to last stanza is example of his poetic creed. At the last stanza poet remember daffodils it is recollect the daffodils mood. Last stanza last line ,

     And then my heart with pleasure fills,
     And dances with the daffodils.

This line also create in reader's mind in feel that spontaneous overflow powerful feeling.


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