Post colonial - Term study

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Topic –  Term study- Apartheid, Hybridity, Hegemony, Nation or Nationalism
Name – Gohil Dipti Ajaybhai
Sem – 3
Roll Number- 6
Enrollment number – 2069108420190018
Year – 2018-2020
Email –
Summited to- Department of English, Maharaja Krishnakumarsinghji Bhavanagar University

Words - 1556
ASSIGNMENT-Paper- 11. Postcolonial LITERATURE

What is Post Colonialism ?
According to Oxford dictionary-
Colonial word comes from the Roman ‘colonia’ which meant ‘farm’ or ‘settlement’, and referred to Romans who settled in other lands but still retained their citizenship.
Pitterbarry mentioned this words-

ADOPT:   Write upon Western Writers.
ADAPT:  To get Mastery upon anything.
ADEPT:  Write upon Indian.
Ania Loomba-
Ania Loomba is an Indian literary scholar. She is the author of Colonialism/Postcolonialism and works as a literature professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
Loomba researches and teaches English literature and early modern culture, postcolonialism, the history of colonialism and postcolonialism in South Asia, as well as postcolonial literature and culture. Key term in Post Colonial study
Nation or Nationalism


 An Afrikanns term meaning separation. History of Apartheid - The European who settled in South Africa called themselves Afrikaners. After Britishers control most of south Africa. The British and the Afrikaners fought each other for control of south Africa. The British also fought with the Zulu tribe. The British eventually defeated the Afrikaners and Zulus and declared south Africa an independent country in 1910.
Then the birth of Apartheid -The white controlled government and black most of become slave, white for number of fecility while Black for slavery. At that time majority of black people while minority of white people even they controlled government and they became wealthy while Black people became slave or poor. White created rule to separate colony for black there place like slum era while they were living high era. They created a system called Apartheid, which was designed to separate South Africa society into groups based on race – White, Black, Coloured and Asians.
White created act and The impact of
Apartheid –
Black people forced to move to poor rural area all homeland. Blacks could not allowed for vote, it means White created that of policy that through they know any time black become not ruling on them. Blacks were kept in low paying jobs to compare white while Black were majority so whichh kind condition of country. Blacks were put in poor school because whites we’re not allowed Blacks’s child study with their child. So Blacks were getting good education. Blacks had to carry identification. Separate schools, hospitals and  restaurant were created for whites and blacks. Act black and white marriage don’t allow by White that type act they were created.
             Apartheid had been preceded in 1913 and 1936 by the Land Acts which restricted the amount of land available to black farmers to 13 per cent. But in 1948 the Apartheid laws we’re enacted, including the Population Registration Act, which registered all people by racial group. Theoretically, the establishment of the Bantustans was supposed to provide a solution to the racial tension of South Africa by providing a series of designated territories or homelands in which the different races could develop separately within the state. races.The so-called Immorality Act, designed to preserve ‘racial purity’, indicated the desire to rewrite the fact that the societies of Southern Africa had for centuries intermingled culturally and racially. The term is widespread.


Hegemony is the power or dominance that one social group holds over others. This can refer to the "asymmetrical interdependence" of political-economic-cultural relations between and among nation-states (Straubhaar, 1991) or differences between and among social classes within a nation.
Antonio Gramsci given clear idea of hegemony, how the Marxist ideas work relate meaning of hegemony. Gramsci investigated why the ruling class was so successful in promoting, its own interests in society. Most of hegemony is the powerful of the ruling class to convince other classes that their interests are the interest of all. Hegemony in the media encourage people to consent to status or meaning power structure that's why middle class have more power over working class. For example Reliance company power strong then other companies.


One of the most widely employed and most disputed terms in post-colonial theory, hybridity commonly refers to the creation of new transcultural forms within the contact zone produced by colonization. As used in horticulture, the term refers to the cross-breeding of two species by grafting or cross-pollination to form a third, ‘hybrid ‘species. Hybridization takes many forms:linguistic,cultural,political,racial,etc. Linguistics means mixed language, for example Hindi is our(India) state language now Hindi become mixed of other languages word, if we recalled history of Hindi there we can find which words languages mixed in Hindi like Urdu, pharsi, Arabi and nowadays Hindi concept completely change it become ‘Hindlish' so it called linguists ‘Hybridity'. Cultural hybridity means to culture mixed, for example  South Indian boy and West Indian girl both attached with marriage their child become example of cultural hybridity. For example Midnight ‘s children novel by Salman Rushdie shown hybridity, in this novel Saleem has hybrid identity and how he suffers lot for his hybrid identity. Salman Rushdie’s  mixing of so many thing called ‘Chutnificaition' or in the term celebration by the critic Homi Bhabha, hybridity. The narrative is written and told in front of an audience an implied reader and Padma, who sits at Saleem's feet as Ganesha sat at Vyasa's to take down his story. Interestingly this is represent Saleem gets his own clear similarities to Ganesh – ‘elephantine nose and dubious parentage'.
For example “Tarak Mehta Ka otlata Chashma” serial shown that type of couples like Iyer and Babita, Roshna and Roshna it means Sodhi family.
Cultural identity always emerges in this contradictory and ambivalent space, which for Bhabha makes the claim to a hierarchical ‘purity’of cultures untenable.

Nation and Nationalism

Nation ford coming from Latin word ‘Nasci', it means to be born. To be born into a group with common culture, common language, common history, common religion and common ancestor. Human society is divided into nations. The idea of the nation is now so firmly fixed in the general imagination, and the form of state it signifies so widely accepted. As post colonial thinker French Orientalist Ernest Renan and another thinker Smith and Benedict Anderson.
Ernest Renan give ideas of ‘what is a nation?’ The desire of nations to be together is the only real criterion. Renan rejects to define the nation by objective criteria such as shared language, physical, characteristics, culture, custom etc. And Renan were aware nations are not ‘natural' entities and the instability of the nation is the inevitable consequence of it’s nature as a social construction.
Nationalism connect individual to the state it means nationalism connected person identity sometime nationalism become higher connection with sentimental attached to the home line for example someone told that our nation is not provide good facility so then other people attack and call them you are Anti National IT School it's called sentimental connection with Nation. Taking a sense of identity and the self esteem through their national identification sometime for arise nationalism concept on people mind in the people mind someone motivate to help to create nation or nationalism is a process it is not natural as our belief we feel nationalism is natural thing but it is not natural theme on people mind.  Ernest Gellner who was the professor of philosophy also give concept of nation and nationalism in 1983 Nation and nationalism are products of industrial industrialization image of nation and nationalism marks a sharp disjunction between elder agrarian societies and modern Industrial society. Mobility and homogenization idea connect with nation. How culture Homogenization help to create one nation one kind of culture one style of communication one centralized and standardized education system. Otherwise birth of state happen so what is the state state Nation and states are not the same contingency nationalism hold that they were destined for each other.
The complex and powerful operation of Idea
Nation and nationalism is profoundly important in the formation of colonial practice any option jobs Watson was explaining economy of emergency it is imperialism the link between National and expansion is Manch order older the emerge of the nation state and the Imperial capitals economy Europe been arguable inspirable. Present time thinking postcolonial nationalism so it is called hyper nationalism because present time nationalism for people forget humanity example one political leader on his speech speak one sentence
अगर वह हमारे एक हिंदू को मारे तो हम दो मुसलमानों को मारेगे और हम हिंदू राष्ट्र का निर्माण करेगे।
 this type of sentence spoken by political leader so how it is effect on people mind.
कोई ऐसा बोलें की हमारे साथ यहां पर न्याय नहीं हुआ
then another people called that person you are antination person and go to another country.
During national anthem if physical handicraft person couldn't able to stand at that time  surrounded people beat that person, it is called hyper nationalism.

Conclusion –

In short for the post colonial study this type of term help for analyze how can one thing analysis in different way because most of we analyze things as two side we cannot think about third side of analysis because we have concept both side for any criticism so for thinking on different way for helping Post-Colonial study.

Reference –
Post-Colonial studies book– The Key concept second edition by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin


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