Paralysis novel review

Hello Readers, After long time here I share book review of Paralysis novel by Chandrakant Bakshi. These is not possible sublime author comparison to other even I want to say Bakshi is immomentous diamond in Gujarati literature. And it is definitely wright to say he began nonimplemental era in Gujarati literature. Recently I read Paralysis novel. When you read title of this novel may think this novel is about paralysis malady and you are very well know about paralysis malady how people body become worthless during this crisis. Actually this novel is start like this – માણસે આંખો ખોલી અને રોશનદાનો તરફ જોયું. કાચોમાં હજી રાત નું અઘરું હતું. પાછલી રાતે આવતા પહાડી કાગડાઓના અવાજો હજી આવતા ન હતા. સવાર દૂર હતી . નવા સ્વપ્ન માટે એણે આંખો બંધ કરી. The beginning of novel few page about description of place. In this novel Bakshi use flash back technique, so frequently character mind change even every thought change and I think this novel deal with both theme optimism a...