Emma novel by Jane Austen

Hello Readers, Here I share Emma novel details. Before I start Emma novel first of all I want to give you basic information about Jane Austen. Jane Austen Jane Austen was an English novelist known primarily for her six major novels, which interpret, critique and comment upon the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th century.. Born- Steventon, Hampshire in 1775 Father name- George Austen Mother name- Cassandra She had six siblings. Her sister Cassandra and her brother James most of helped her. At very young age she attended church and she liked dance. Her elder brother James was interested to write then she inspired by him and started to writing so her early writing is known as Juvenilia 1787 to 1793. She inspired by early writer Richard Sheridan and follow his writing style. She was written realistic subject. Her works like - 1) Love and Friendship (Satire) in 1790 2) The History of England 3) Oliver Goldsmith's History of England 3) Northanger Abbey 4) Si...