William Wordsworth

The Age of Romanticism (1800-1850) The second creative period of English literature Introduction- Romanticism is an international artistic and philosophical movement that re-defined the ways in which humans in western civilization thought about themselves and their world. Officially Romantic period start in 1798 at that time "Lyrical Ballads" published by Wordsworth and Coleridge. Neo-classical poets to write on urban lifestyle but Romantic poets focus on rural life or nature. In the Nineteenth century poetry bubbles with Romanticism. Subjectivity, love for supernatural ,love for nature,melancholy, dignity and mobility of an individual, simplicity, spontanely, a revolt against artificiality. At that time famous poets:- 1) William Blake 2) William Wordsworth 3) Walter Scott 4) S.T.Coleridge 5) Robert Southey 6) Lord Byron 7) P.B.Shelley 8) John Keats Lord Byron, P.B...