Maharaja KrishnaKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University youth festival observation

"Yuvano no thanganat aetle youth festival" My observation on youth festival program. I am studying MKBU University. Maharaja KrishnaKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University orgenazed youth festival on 26,27 and 28 October 2018 and this festival name is Aishvrayam yuva manthan. This youth festival hosted by Takshshila Institute of Science & Commerce, Bhavnagar and its venue Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Campus. This type of compition divided in fifth part. In the first part three compition I has attended like Bhajan,Sugam geet and western group song and also participate in two compition light vocal song and western group song. Bhajan section song most of related in Lord of Krishna. Light vocal song most of Ramesh Parekh creation of his poem sang by compititer. I was singing Savariyo Maro song written by Ramesh Parekh. In the third section I has attended own self write poem and read compition. ...